Sunday, June 5, 2011


  Yesterday I planted four heirloom tomato plants and a packet of cantaloupe seeds in flower pots. I know it's a little late in the season to be starting a garden, but the plants look like they will do fine. Plus, everything was on sale! 
  Since I'm new to gardening, and don't have a good history of a green thumb, I used the flower pots, rather than tilling up a place in the yard. This makes the plants easier to manage, and more convenient to water. 
  In just a few weeks, I should have lots of yummy tomatoes and cantaloupes. I used heirloom tomato plants because, let's face it, what else is there? Heirloom tomatoes are so much juicer and flavorful than anything available in stores. When people tell me they don't like tomatoes, I always tell them it's because they haven't had an heirloom tomato. Cantaloupes ripened in the sun and picked on a nice warm day always taste better, too. 
  I'm looking forward to enjoying some fresh tomatoes and cantaloupes. I'll post more pictures when the harvest comes in! 
Heirloom tomato plants.
Cantaloupe and heirloom tomato plants.